Established: 1999
Established: 1999
(A) The following acts and conduct on the part of students will amount to misconduct:
* Misbehaviour towards teachers or any other employee of the school.
* Intentional disturbance of the classes.
* Absent from classes without permission of the class teacher / Principal.
* Bullying / Intimidation of others.
* Eve-teasing / misbehavior towards girl students.
* Damaging / disfiguration of school property.
* Propagating a strike / disruption of classes.
* Association with banned organization.
* Propagating communal / caste feeling amongst the students.
* Joining in Physical violence.
* Disobeying lawful orders of the teacher / Principal.
* Bringing unauthorized people / articles inside the school.
* Theft / Pilferage of school / student's property.
* Any behavior unbecoming of a student.
* Indulging in acts of moral turpitude.
B) In above acts of misconduct, Principal may take suitable action as per observations of the disciplinary committee depending on the gravity of the misconduct, which may include :
i) Oral / written warnings to the students and parents.
ii) Suspension from attending classes / school for a specifies period.
iii) Recovery of loss to school property,
iv) Issue of Transfer Certificate,
v) Expulsion / rustication from school.
Each child is expected to make full use of the school library.
Children shall observe the rules of the Library / Reading Room as enforced from time to time.
If the student fails to return the book loaned to him / her within the due date, a fine at the rate of rupee one per book per week from the due date of return should be levied.
New Session starts from - 2 April of the year.
Pre Primary (KG1,KG2,Class1&2) 7:45 a.m. to 12:10 Noon)
Primary to Senior Secondary - Classes III to XII 7:45 a.m. to 1.55 p.m.
1. Every student must have his / her own diary & bring it to school daily to write home - work assignments etc.
2. Application must be sent whenever a child is absent/late or it should be mentioned in the diary.
3. Games and P.T. are compulsory. Exemption will be given only on medical ground.
4. All text books and exercise books must be covered with brown paper and labeled properly.
5. Parents/ Guardians are allowed to meet the class teacher on each 3rd Saturday of the month after 2.00 p.m.
6. Children must reach school atleast 5 minutes before the warning bell. The main gate will be locked at 7.50 a.m.
7. 75% attendance is essential for eligibility of final exam.
8. 2 marks will be deducted for bad hand-writing from class II onwards.
9. Students are strictly forbidden to use valuable articles ornaments, costly pens etc. .
1. All students in a class should stand up when a visitor enters the room.
2. Students wishing to enter the classroom, when the teacher is in the room, should wait outside the door for the permission to enter inside.
3. Always stand smart to attention when speaking to a teacher or elders. Be polite and soft spoken.
4. Always stand aside if you are about to enter a room at the same time when an adult enters and go in afterwards.
5. If a teacher or any adult drops anything, it is polite to pick it up for him/her.
6. Students must greet teachers and adults, known to them with respect. While greeting people it is better to say.1 Good morning', Good afternoon' or 'Namaskar' etc. The best is to say Tranam*.
7. If you have to pass close in front of anyone, always say 'please excuse me'.
8. If you did not hear properly something said to say, say 'I beg your pardon'.
9. Always say, 'Thank you* for any service rendered to you.
10. If you cough or sneeze in public, do it quietly in to a hand-kerchief. 11. Be honest and kind to others.
12. Be obedient and disciplined.
13. Be truthful and dedicated to your work.
Name of the students shall be struck off if he/she is continuously absent for more than 15 days without any intimation to the principal.
Leave at a stretch shall not be granted for more than seven days. If however it is medical case, leave for the period of illness will be granted on producing medical certificate.
Leave in all cases can be granted only on receiving the application on or before the first day of leave. There is no use of giving application of leave after return from leave as absence is already marked in the attendance register for want of application.
Once the name is struck off, re-admission will be given on payment of Rs. 50 as re-admission fee along with clearance of all dues like fees, fine etc.